SPFPP 333: Help Me Help us

You asked about how you can help SPFPP expand well here it is! I believe we've found ourselves the best way to minimize stigma by directly going to the educators and STD/STI prevention workers. They're the ones with the credibility and just need to understand where we're coming from with our experiences with stigma. Perhaps equipping them with our resources will create the shift we need.

Here my ask is just to tap into your networks and let me know how I can offer these organizations the ongoing support resources to help them best serve patients and clients utilizing our community's collective shared experiences, data, podcasts, and I'll lad the trainings and workshops. So aside from the membership for individuals, SPFPP now is offering organizations access to our library of workshops to learn to discuss HSV with patients in the way they express wishing they were talked to when they got their diagnosis.

We're talking about stigma minimizing communication, education, and more. Check us out for best practices for delivering a diagnosis, teaching patients to discuss sexual health, best options for managing emotional health to minimize symptoms and more by joining.

So let your health care providers know about me and let me know who I need to connect with to offer these resources to!


SPFPP 334: Common Unity is the goal


SPFPP 332: Letting Go of Fear of Success