SPFPP 307: Trauma Informed Care is a Team Effort

Chasity has been in pharmacy for 10 years and joins our series of interviews with health care professionals dispelling some conspiracy theories and speaking about stigma. One thing that stood out about our chat is that leadership, team, and environment keep coming up and I’m seeing how influential these components of the healthcare field influence one’s care they receive. We can utilize communication to set new expectations and change narratives in media about expectations of someone positive for an STI or start even sooner to get them the support that can mitigate the need for SPFPP’s existence as it initially began . . . supporting people through the mental health challenges of navigating an STI diagnosis. We need to integrate these learned communication skills SPFPP’s guests have shared into STD Prevention efforts.


SPFPP 308: The Value of Our Needs


SPFPP 306: Bias Ain't a Bad Word