SPFPP 303: How Doctors Don't Talk About Sex

So what exactly does a Sex Therapist do? In my exploration of trying to identify opportunities for patients and providers to best communicate about sex, what I’m finding is that there’s a lot more to understand than the stigma component. Kimberly shared that on the surface, doctors don’t talk about sex with patients because of time, but what we learn is that that’s just an excuse for a much larger issue.

Kimberly Resnick Anderson, LCSW, is an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, speaker, writer, and professor, with more than 30 years of experience treating individuals, couples and groups. She specializes in helping her clients achieve optimal sexual health and satisfaction.

In her practice, she has been known to make her clients feel extremely safe to discuss deeply intimate topics. Over the years, she has been praised for her special style of talking to people about sex that is both comforting and profoundly liberating. Her life-changing technique that she has coined, “Comfort-Inducing Sexuality Dialogue” is her own unique clinical model that has helped save the marriages of hundreds of her clients.

Ms. Anderson conducts Support Groups, Couples Retreats, Intensives and traditional couples counseling. She has a special interest in the impact of chronic and acute illness. She has also treated thousands of individuals with alternative sexual lifestyles including LGBTQ, Polyamory, Ethical Nonmonogamy, and BDSM; and has been a champion of depathologizing these marginalized populations.

Ms. Anderson is regularly quoted in Playboy.com, CNN.com, Cosmo.com, Huffington Post, Yourtango.com and dozens of other national and international publications. Ms. Anderson has published articles in medical journals including The Female Patient and The Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. She was also an on-air expert and consultant for the TLC’s “Strange Sex” series. As a sought-after speaker and expert, Ms. Anderson has been quoted and mentioned in over 25 countries. She is a speaker at sexual health conferences around the globe. Kimberly also hosts and produces a podcast Called Sex Savvy, which tackles all things sexual. Click here to listen.

Her work in graduate medical education makes her a popular Professor among physician trainees and mental health professionals, teaching them to comfortably discuss sexual issues with patients and clients. She is currently an assistant professor of Psychiatry at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.

In addition to in-office therapy at her Los Angeles-based location, she offers online sex coaching and teletherapy programs to her national and international clientele. She also teaches a sex therapy training program to licensed professionals, offering her unique approach.

Contact Kimberly via:


Phone: 818-334-5811 (For a free 15 minute call/consult)


SPFPP 304: The Truth of Stigma


SPFPP 302: The Prejudice of Stigma