SPFPP 270: Deceptive Disclosure

Karan is a 23 year old male on the other side of the world from the majority of our podcast guests who shares a unique experience that offers far more depth of reflection than we commonly get. Ya'll know how tough it is to get Men on the show for me so it's hard for me to hold in my excitement as you'll hear randomly throughout our conversation this episode. Karan speaks about how after his second sexual partner, he saw how she treated herself, and her body was representative to how he viewed himself but only on the inside. The woman he got herpes from SAID she told him she has it, but you know when your blood flow is in overdrive away from the brain, we may be a little bias in our thought process. But it wasn't that she told him she told him, it was that it went from "Oh it's fine we used a condom" to suddenly "It's not that big of a deal" which is super red flaggy. I enjoyed the depth at which we went into Karan's view on relationships and dating and how despite cultural differences we were able to connect beyond the superficial level of "I got herpes, it sucks, here's how I got diagnosed...". We went into his relationship with himself and to his body and THAT to me is where the significant value of this podcast lies. I hope you enjoy it.


SPFPP 271: Take The Headphones Out


SPFPP 269: Value Awareness