SPFPP Episode 134: Do Better AND Do Different - Inconvenience Yourself

White people are currently asking the question "What can I do?". In reference to people with conditions, we use people first language, so applying that here, you are a person with whiteness. Don't Question your humanity, your natural instinct to see the human in another human. Question your perpetual use of your whiteness.

YOU have to look at HOW and WHERE it is being put to use. When you ask, "what can I do?", that shouldn't even be a question a human has to ask about injustices done to other humans. There shouldn't be questioning at all, only reflection on the use of your inherited whiteness in a time where those without whiteness are suffering because of it.


SPFPP Episode 135: This is Not the End


SPFPP Episode 133: Empowering Providers to Talk About Herpes