Episode 53: Permanent Limitation is Your Biggest Growth Point

Our biggest takeaway is to address the growth point of your permanent limitations here. After a positive HSV diagnosis from a long-term partner who was aware of his status and didn't disclose, Kimberly began the quest of learning this lesson through personal experience.

Navigating The Modern World Podcast Host, Kimberly Allyse Johnson is a certified Life and Sex Coach as well as a Meditation Practitioner in Denver, CO. Kimberly believes having peace in ANY relationship is to truly have freedom in your life.

For more information about Kimberly and her work, you can find her: Navigating The Modern World Podcast (available on iTunes), Instagram @Kimberlyallysejohnson and her website www.kimberlycoaching.com

I'm on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Instagram and various blog sites @HOnMyChest

Stay Positive!


Episode 54: U Equals U and I'm Still Josh


Episode 52: There's Just SomethingS About Her